Monday 27 February 2017

Q.2.1 Unemployment between the ages of 15 and 24 has reached a staggering 71 million (ILO, 2016). Solution fluency is a guided problem solving framework that consists of six D’s. Use the solution fluency process to solve unemployment problems in your area. Provide a brief background of your area and how you intend to tackle this problem.

Solution fluency is a set of skills that teach us how to learn. By developing these skills we can then apply them to many situations in order to solve issues that arise, and help us to learn in different environments.
Define: ‘How to solve unemployment in Cape Town.’
Discover: how did we get here, what was done in the past and what can we do differently? This is largely due to poor educational outcomes in South Africa, where many young people simply don’t have the skills to be able to enter into jobs.
Dream: Move forward and think of solutions: I believe more access to vocational training for youth who are out of school or who do not have skills ready to enter into jobs would be beneficial for their long term work prospects.
Design: How to make dream become a reality- steps to take us from problem to solution. This would be done by setting up various vocational training programs in order to help the youth gain skills.
Deliver: Putting design into action: produce and publish. This would be producing the programs, and putting them into action.
Debrief: Evaluate all previous steps. This would be the actual revision of the previous steps when the program is in place, to evaluate what is working and know where to improve the service, or if it is not working to think of another idea.
(Crockett R, 2015). 

Crockett, R., 2015. Global Digital Citizenship Foundation. [Online] Available at: century-fluencies [Accessed 30 March 2017].

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