Monday 27 February 2017

Q.5.1 There has been an exponential increase in the usage of smart phones in the last decade. Some students now use smart phones to cheat on tests and assignments. Develop an Acceptable Use Policy concerning the use of smart phones for the Independent Institute of Education to be implemented at the various campuses.

  •        No smartphone use (eg phone calls, texts) allowed during class or during any examinations/tests.
  •     Anyone caught using a device will be liable to have it confiscated, and may result in failure of that exam/test. Phones must be turned off during class times. The only exception to this would be where the teacher has given explicit permission for their use (eg calculator function in a maths class). 
  •        Smartphones must not be used in any area where there are issues of privacy (eg locker rooms, toilets etc). 
  •        No photos must be taken of other students or staff without their permission. 
  •        Use of mobile devices to bully or tease other students will not be tolerated, and will result in appropriate action taken.
Office of Education Technology (2012). Acceptable Internet Use Policy. VDOE: Acceptable Internet Use Policy. Virginia Department of Education. (Accessed 1 May, 2017). 

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